About Us

Our history

Jubilee for Jesus Ministries was established on September 16 th, 2012, in Andrews Texas. Isaac Lee and Flor Lee Uvalle, in obedience to the Holy Spirit, decided to open their new home at 1502 Nehemiah for bible studies.

Flor Lee began to read the bible every day until the late-night hours of the night searching for the meaning to her life. Having given her life to Jesus Christ in 2008, she felt something was still missing and she could not figure it out. She knew that only her heavenly father could give her the answer.

As she was praying and reading the bible late one night, God spoke these words: “Tell everyone that I have come to seek a relationship with them, not a religion”. Flor did not understand this fully at the time, so she kept on reading the bible searching for more clarity and instruction from God. As she continued reading her bible, she came across the story of The Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31. At that moment, something supernatural awoke in Flor’s life. She did not want anyone to go to the hell she was reading about.
In that same moment, Flor heard God’s voice once again saying to her: “Invite people to your house and what I teach you, you will teach them”. Flor woke up screaming so full of God’s joy that she woke up her husband Isaac. Isaac knew that God was up to something good in his wife’s life. Without hesitation, Isaac and Flor obeyed God and invited people to their house on September 16, 2012.

The Uvalle’s had no clue as to what God was going to do in their life, they just obeyed and walked by faith. As time went by, Flor read the word of God verbatim and shared with her listeners the true existence of Hell, that there was a True God of relationship (not religion), and that he would save us from eternal condemnation. The Pastoral calling from God for Isaac and Flor began that day as they served the people in their home. They served spiritual food and physical food at each gathering.

At first, the Uvalle’s believed in their spirit that God would send a Pastor and his family to lead this congregation because the Uvalle’s did not have any kind of biblical degree or any ministerial credentials. Their plans were never to pastor a church but like the word of God says in; Isaiah 55:8 “My plans aren’t your plans, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD.”

Within a few weeks, Isaac and Flor’s home became too small for their weekly gatherings and they decided to move their services to their place of business. By January 2013, their place of business became too small as well, so they moved to a storefront building on Main Street in Andrews Tx.

In March 2013, Isaac and Flor were anointed and appointed by God to be named the Senior Pastors of Jubilee for Jesus Ministries. Pastors Rudie and Lorraine Diaz of Temple Tx. believed in the Uvalle’s calling from God and traveled 6 hours to Andrews Texas to ordain the Uvalle’s as Pastors.

The name Jubilee for Jesus came from Pastors Uvalle knowing that their freedom, rest, and joy could only be found in Jesus Christ. Pastors Uvalle knew that everything they wanted to do for the rest of their lives was going to be “for” Jesus. Jubilee for Jesus’ congregation continued to grow within the next several months so once again they moved to a larger space. Also on the main street, the new location was double the size of the previous one. The message of God wanting to have a relationship with his people brought salvation, healing, and transformation to many.

Pastors Isaac and Flor believed in God for Land and a much larger building where Jubilee for Jesus could be a home of prayer, salvation, and growth.
One freezing cold night October 31 st, 2013, Pastors Isaac and Flor, and a few members of Jubilee for Jesus were driving and praying around the city when the Holy Spirit led them to step on an open lot of land and claim it as theirs for God. “I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.” -Joshua 1:3

In 2015, the land that was claimed for God was purchased and there was great joy and celebration. Pastors Isaac and Flor were waiting for God’s instruction of when to start building. By faith, leaders of Jubilee for Jesus assembled a sign that read “Future Home of Jubilee for Jesus” on January 16 th, 2016.
On April 11, 2016, Pastor Flor was praying to God and asked Him if it was His will that they build a bigger building? After a moment of silence, God spoke to Pastor Flor with a rhetorical Question: “Porque no eh de querer un hospital mas grande habiendo tanto enfermo?” in English it means “Why not want a bigger hospital with so many sick people?” Immediately Pastor Flor wrote those words on her mirror with lipstick, because she could not find a pen and paper. (see picture). She was so excited about God’s answer and then the very next day, she received a call from their local bank to sign papers for the bigger hospital on 4-20-2016. Jubilee for Jesus had a ground-breaking ceremony on May 15 th, 2016, and by October 2017, they were able to move into the new bigger building. This is where Jubilee for Jesus is still located today.

The first 10 years of Jubilee for Jesus is the introduction of a beautiful love story that God has already written for his children of Jubilee for Jesus Ministries.

In parallel to the Uvalles testimony is the story of the Renteria family Jesus, his wife Denise, and their two daughters Hanna and Haley. The Renteria’s have known the Uvalle family and were even present at their ordination service in 2012 as witnesses of Gods calling over their lives.

In January of 2015 God put it on brother Jesus’ heart to join Jubilee for Jesus Ministries and help in any way. For seven years the Renteria’s served faithfully and were witnesses of Gods hand touching lives through this ministry.
In early 2022 Senior Pastors Uvalle once again were called to ministry but this time as international evangelists. This meant that they would need to assign a new Senior pastor over Jubilee for Jesus. In March of 2022 Pastors Uvalle approached the Renteria’s about accepting the honor of becoming Senior Pastor. After prayerfully considering this tremendous responsibility
and with the full support of his wife Jesus accepted this new role. The ordination service would take place on September 11th, the same day Jubilee for Jesus Ministries would celebrate its 10 anniversary.

Currently, Senior Pastors Jesus and Denise oversee this beautiful congregation and look forward to lives being transformed, relationships being made, and more of God’s favor and amazing grace!

Mission and Vision

The MISSION of Jubilee for Jesus is REAL

R elationship with God and people
E vangelize the world
A lignment with Gods word
L iberty in Christ


The VISION of Jubilee for Jesus is to collaborate with
compassion so God can save the lost, and we can serve
people. We will not grow tired of doing good in order to
reap a REAL harvest.